Provincial Ticket Resolutions

Provincial Ticket Resolutions – Lawyer in Airdrie, AB – Luxstone Boulevard Southwest, Airdrie, Alberta. Read verified and trustworthy customer reviews for Provincial Ticket Resolutions or write your own review.

Contact Info

Categories: Lawyers in Airdrie, Lawyers in Alberta
Province: Alberta
City: Airdrie, AB
Postal code: T4B 3K8
Address: Luxstone Boulevard Southwest, Airdrie, AB, T4B 3K8
Phone Number: (403) 980-5358
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Opening Hours

Monday: By appointment

Tuesday: By appointment

Wednesday: By appointment

Thursday: By appointment

Friday: By appointment

Saturday: By appointment

Sunday: By appointment

Provincial Ticket Resolutions Reviews

Customer ratings and consumer reports on Provincial Ticket Resolutions – lawyer in Airdrie, AB.

  • June 04, 2019 by Cal Harper

    Dean was very quick to take my money($1500.00) and tell me that he could take care of a seat belt ticket I had in Saskatchewan which, if convicted could mean the suspension of my license. He indicated that he was going to speak with the officer that charged me , he later claimed the officer was an asshole. He then indicated that was going to speak with the prosecutor and after that told me to appear in court and plead guilty. There was some woman there that gave the judge ,a long form, he called it. Within 4 days I received a letter indicating that my license was to be suspended . Deans knowledge and experience is minimal and in no way was capable of getting the charges dismissed. He had no knowledge the of Saskatchewan demerit system or the hearing procedures. He should have been honest with me and not taken the case, as he lacked the experience and expertise the challenge the ticket. He had no conscience and never considered and the potential effects on my life and livelihood. When asked to resolve a refund with me, he said he would call me back and never did, that was 5 days ago. He lacks the integrity, professionalism, and conscience that a person should expect after paying $1500.00,and being told not to worry,and that there would be results.

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